



Dear Annex Community,

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been monitoring the development and overall risk that this situation poses to all of you as well as our leaders and staff. When we opened just over three months ago, I promised myself to always act in line with our values and to never compromise- especially in time of challenge.

COVID-19 has presented all of us with such a challenge. While we’ve made big changes to our cleaning regimen and day to day operations; I believe strongly that the best thing to do for our community and the residents of Victoria is to temporarily suspend operations. This decision is evoluntary and aims to proactively protect our entire Annex family. The well-being of everyone associated with Annex, clients and staff alike, will always be our priority – as will be the health and welfare of all Greater Victoria residents.

By taking this protective measure it is our goal to help ‘flatten the curve’* of this pandemic locally in effort to protect you and our fellow residents. If we all do our part to proactively assist, we stand a much better chance assisting our medical professionals manage demand through to conclusion.



As of Sunday, March 15th, Annex classes will be suspended temporarily.

  • Guests with recurring memberships will have their memberships automatically paused

  • Guests with 5/10 class punch cards will have their punches held for when we re-open

  • Guests on introductory offers will have their terms extended.

We believe in movement and while we can’t move as one Annex right now, we’ll be sending home workouts your way via email and social media so you can stay connected to your body and get that stress release we all need right now. Rest assured - I’ll be providing updates via email and social media to all of you in the coming weeks.

This remains a complex and rapidly changing situation that reminds us that we are all part of a broader community with a responsibility to look out for each other. Thank you for your support. We will come out the other side of the challenge stronger....

Yours in health,

Morgan Jones
